Saturday, 10 March 2012

Welcome Address

Firstly, Welcome and thank you for stopping by at the New Chess Photography Blog site...

I should introduce myself and tell you a bit more about me.

My name is Mark Roberts, and in 2003 I decided to start Chess Photography.

I started with the aim of trying to offer photography in a style and way i would want to see on my wall.. Its not just about being able to take a photograph but its the way in which you go about it. My industry has been ruined with too many Mr Camera Club wannabe Photographers! and so called Professional Photographers that I wanted to make a difference.

How do I shoot, well informal as much as possible, I work very professionally but shoot in a relaxed and informal way. Making my work seem less imposing and capturing a day, event, rather than heavily posing things....

I started off in the world of Portraits and Equestrian quickly building my reputation for offering high quality images, and a professional service. The equestrian work continued which in turn pushed me down the lines of Weddings. So in 2004 I did my first wedding.

Now I'm known in the industry as a Wedding Photographer, and have established myself as I think one of the main Wedding Photographers in the South. I'm recommended now at a few Hotels across Hampshire which is something I pride myself on.

The venues that I'm currently linked too are Marwell Manor - Colden Common, New Place - Shirrell Heath, Captains Club - Christchurch, Mercure Wessex - Winchester  Hotel Du Vin - Winchester.
I also have the privilege of holding the BIPP Status, thus meaning that I am a full time professional photographer, as recognised by the British Institute of Professional Photography

My work continues to change and adapt as the years roll on and I'm always looking for new things to try. I have over the years taken on work experience people to show them how rewarding the industry is yet how difficult it is to make a living trying to to this Full Time. As most photographers theses days are part time and have a normal 9 to 5 job.

I on the other hand don't see how you can be classed as a professional Photographer if you cant devote your life to your art, and for the past 10 seasons have been a full time professional photographer.

I have waffled on enough for my first blog.. But will upload images etc.. of venues and flowers and all sorts, for you all to see. Please feel free to use it as a reference point for looking at your venue before taking the plunge! 

Thank you again, Mark

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